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Autor Thema: hellMinors Simple Questlog  (Gelesen 24898 mal)

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #45 am: Mai 02, 2008, 14:07:46 »
Ich kapier das Script nicht ;_; bei mir will nix funzen xD'
kann mir jemand eine Demo machen oder eine Step4Step erklärung xD'

Wäre super lieb^^

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
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  • VX-Kenner
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  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #46 am: Mai 02, 2008, 14:55:45 »
was genau funktioniert denn nich?
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #47 am: Mai 02, 2008, 16:52:48 »
Ich habs eingefügt aber weder der "Link" im Menü noch sonst ist was da, also es zeigt im Endeffekt null komma Josef an als hätte ich das Script nicht eingefügt xD'

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
  • Administrator
  • VX-Kenner
  • ****
  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #48 am: Mai 02, 2008, 17:02:24 »
das script fügt sich selbst im menü auch garnich ein, dafür is das ja auch nich zuständig^^
bissl weiter drunter is ein script welches das questlog ans menü anfügt aber das steht da auch drüber
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #49 am: Mai 02, 2008, 17:24:15 »
Ja das weiss ich schon XD'
aber bei mir geht es trotzdem nicht ;_;'

Ich mach da irgendwas falsch weiss aber nich was XD

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
  • Administrator
  • VX-Kenner
  • ****
  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #50 am: Mai 02, 2008, 17:30:38 »
in meinem game wo ich meine scripte teste hab ich das add questlog to menu, danach das simple questlog und da gehts einwandfrei
natürlich aber beide über main
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #51 am: Mai 02, 2008, 17:38:04 »


bei mir stimmt da irgendwas nicht, vllt nicht kompatibel mit den KCG scripten...

Naja ich suche mir eine andere Möglichkeit^^ trotzdem danke!

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
  • Administrator
  • VX-Kenner
  • ****
  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #52 am: Mai 02, 2008, 17:48:30 »
hab jetz ne neue version v1.2 , diese version hat jetz auch den quest status , dieser kann mit $questlog.getQuestState einfach abgefragt werden zb in einem conditional branch bestimmte events nur bei einem bestimmten quest status etwas tun zu lassen wie zb verschiedene text messages rausgeben
danke an soulstormer für die idee

@tally : eigentlich sollte das einwandfrei funktionieren solang du keine error meldung kriegst
has du irgendein script welches dir das menü verändert?

Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #53 am: Mai 02, 2008, 18:09:56 »
Hm nein, hab nur das Skill Script drinne, und dann bekomm ich ein Mnü Befehl dazu eben "Skills"
(unter "ende" >_> voll hässlich)

Aber schon ok^^ ~
So dringend brauch ich es nicht xD

Trotzdem danke ^-^

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
  • Administrator
  • VX-Kenner
  • ****
  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #54 am: Mai 02, 2008, 18:11:54 »
ja genau dieses script ändert doch dann was am menü
das is der grund warum du es nicht siehst

gibt mir das script mal ebend dann editier ich dir das um,
wo willste questlog und wo skills hin haben?
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

  • Gast
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #55 am: Mai 02, 2008, 18:29:38 »
Ich hoffe das passt so^^




Spoiler for Hiden:
#_/    ?           Equipment Skills System - KGC_EquipLearnSkill         ? VX ?
#_/    ?                     Last Update: 2008/02/10                          ?
#_/    ?                  Translation by Mr. Anonymous                        ?
#_/  This script allows you to assign skills that can be "learned" by equipping
#_/  designated equipment. Everytime the party defeats an enemy, they recieve
#_/  TP (Training Points) that go toward mastering a skill. Once a skill is
#_/  mastered (with the default setting of NEED_FULL_AP = true), that skill is
#_/  learned. This system is much like the one in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
#_/                       ? Instructions For Usage ?
#_/  To make use of these functions, you must insert the desired tag into the
#_/   "Notes" box located in the specified section of the database.
#_/ <learnskill> is for equipment, <needTP> is for Skills, and <TP> for enemies.
#_/  For example, you want the Club to supply the Dual Attack skill and be
#_/   mastered at 20 TP. You would locate the Club in the weapons tab of the
#_/   database and insert <learnskill 1>. Then, you'd locate Dual Attack in  
#_/   the Skills tab of the database and insert <needTP 20>. Simple, effective.
#_/  Key: n = Number
#_/       SkillID = The ID number of the desired skill in the skills database
#_/       Amount = The desired amount of TP.
#_/                        <learnskill SkillID>
#_/  Assigns the given skill to the designated equipment for the actor to use.
#_/                           <needTP Amount>
#_/  Assigns a specified amount of TP the actor must aquire in order to master
#_/   the skill.
#_/                             <TP Amount>
#_/  Assigns a specified amount of TP earned from defeating the enemy.
#_/                          ? Script Commands ?
#_/  These commands are used in "Script" function in the third page of event
#_/   commands under "Advanced".
#_/  * gain_actor_ap(ActorID, AP Amount, show)
#_/     Allows you to give an actor a specified amount of AP.
#_/     "Show" is a toggle. If set to true, if the skill is mastered, it will
#_/     display the "Skill Mastered" screen. (Ex. gain_actor_ap (1, 50, true))
#_/  * change_actor_ap(ActorID, SkillID, AP Amount)
#_/     Allows you to modify the amount of AP a specified skill has.
#_/      (Ex. change_actor_ap (1, 3, 100)
#_/  * call_ap_viewer(index: ActorID)
#_/     This calls the AP Viewer screen. If you exclude (index:), the first
#_/      actor in the index is automatically called.
#_/     Note: To use this properly, Ex. call_ap_viewer(index: 2) would pull up  
#_/      the AP Viewer screen for the second actor.
#_/  [Further, please see "Equipment Exclusion" and "Skills Exclusion" located]
#_/  [near the bottom of the Customize block for more control.                ]
#_/ Installation: Install above KCG_SkillCPSystem, if you use that script.

$data_system = load_data("Data/System.rvdata") if $data_system == nil

#                           ? Customization ?                                  #

module KGC
 module EquipLearnSkill
  # Note: To avoid confusion with the KCG_DistributeParameter script, I use TP
  #       (Training Point) as the default abbreviation. KGC uses AP.
  #                           ? AP Name ?
  #  This allows you to change the abbreviation of AP.
  VOCAB_AP     = "TP"
  #                      ? AP Default Value ?
  #  This allows you to change the default value of AP gained by an enemy when
  #   not manually specified using the <TP n> tag.
  DEFAULT_AP   = 1
  #                      ? Skill Use Mastery ?
  #  This toggle allows you to change whether a skill is usable when AP hasn't
  #   been maxed out.
  #  true = Skill cannot be used until the skill has been mastered.
  #  false = Skills are usable regardless of AP amount, however, when the item
  #          that provides that skill is unequipped, the skill is removed.
  NEED_FULL_AP = false

  #             ? AP Result Screen Aquisition Display ?
  #  The allows you to change the AP aquired message for battle results.
  #  %s : aquired AP amount
  VOCAB_RESULT_OBTAIN_AP         = "bekommt %s #{VOCAB_AP}!"
  # ? Display message when skill is mastered on results screen
  #   (beginning of message).
  #  %s : Actor Name
  # ? Display message when skill mastered on results screen.
  #    (ending of message)
  #  %s : Name of mastered skill
  VOCAB_RESULT_MASTER_SKILL_NAME = "%s wurde erlernt!"

  #                         ? Command Menu ?
  # This toggle adds the "AP Viewer" (Training Skills) selection to the main
  #  command menu.
  # ? Text of the Equip Skills selection on the main command window.
  # Could also be written: VOCAB_MENU_AP_VIEWER       = "#{VOCAB_AP} Skills"
  VOCAB_MENU_AP_VIEWER       = "Skills"

  #                       ? AP Viewer Screen ?
  #  Mastered AP skills column display.
  #  This toggle shows/hides skills that have 0 AP.
  #   This also evidently affects the skill's usability, though untested.
  #  true = show
  #  false = Hide
  SHOW_ZERO_AP_SKILL      = false
  #  This toggle allows you to hide the name of a skill if the skill has 0 AP.
  #   true = mask the skill name
  #   false = unmask the skill name
  #  This allows you to change the text of a 0 AP masked skill.
  #  (When MASK_ZERO_AP_SKILL_NAME = true)
  ZERO_AP_NAME_MASK       = "Unmöglich"
  #  This toggle allows you to mask the text displayed in the "Help" (topmost)
  #   window of a skill that has 0 AP.
  #   true = mask the skill's help text
  #   false = display the text normally
  #  This allows you to change the text displayed in the "Help" (topmost) window
  #   of a skill that has 0 AP. (When HIDE_ZERO_AP_SKILL_HELP = true)
  ZERO_AP_SKILL_HELP      = "Der Skill ist unmöglich."

  #                     ? Equipment Exclusion ?
  #  The following lines make it possible for a specified actor to not gain
  #   skills granted by certain Weapons and Armors.
  #  The subscript of the array (The [] brackets) cooresponds to the Actor ID.
  EXCLUDE_WEAPONS = []  # Weapons
  EXCLUDE_ARMORS  = []  # Armor
  #  Example:
  #   ActorID:1 WeaponID:50 and 70
  #   EXCLUDE_WEAPONS[1] = [50, 70]
  #  Ralph cannot aquire the skills given by the weapon of WeaponID 50 and 70.

  #                       ? Skills Exclusion ?
  #  The following line makes it possible for a specified actor to not gain
  #   certain skills provided by any equipment that may normally grant them.
  #  The subscript of the array (The [] brackets) cooresponds to the Actor ID.
  #  Example:
  #   ActorID:1 SkillID:30
  #   EXCLUDE_SKILLS[1] = [30]
  #  Ralph cannot aquire the skill in SkillID 30 granted by any equipped goods.
  #               ? Call AP Viewer from the Skills Window ?
  #  This allows you to change what key/button is pressed on the skills window
  #   to shift to the AP Viewer window.
  #  When set to nil, this is disabled. ( CALL_EQUIPSKILLKEY = Input::nil )
  #  Note: Currently this only works with KGC_CategorizeSkill
  #  I'll revise this later so you may do so without that script.
  #  I also need to add a couple more methods to this anyhow.
  #               ? Call Skills Window from the AP Viewer ?
  #  This allows you to change what key/button is pressed on the AP Viewer
  #   to shift to the skills window.
  #  When set to nil, this is disabled. ( CALL_SKILLSKEY = Input::nil )

# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
#  Unless you know what you're doing, it's best not to alter anything beyond  #
#  this point, as this only affects the tags used for "Notes" in database.    #
# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
#  Whatever word(s) are after the separator ( | ) in the following lines are
#   what are used to determine what is searched for in the "Notes" section.

$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["EquipLearnSkill"] = true

module KGC::EquipLearnSkill
  # Regular Expressions Defined
  module Regexp
    # Base Item Module
    module BaseItem
      # Learn Skill tag string
      LEARN_SKILL = /<(?:LEARN_SKILL|learnskill)[ ]*(\d+(?:[ ]*,[ ]*\d+)*)>/i

    # Base Skill Module
    module Skill
      # Need AP tag string
      NEED_AP = /<(?:NEED_AP|needTP)[ ]*(\d+)>/i

    # Base Enemy Module
    module Enemy
      # AP given tag string
      AP = /<TP[ ]*(\d+)>/i

# ? KGC::Commands

module KGC::Commands
  # ? AP ???
  #     actor_id : ???? ID
  #     ap       : ?? AP
  #     show     : ?????????
  def gain_actor_ap(actor_id, ap, show = false)
    $game_actors[actor_id].gain_ap(ap, show)
  # ? AP ???
  #     actor_id : ???? ID
  #     skill_id : ??? ID
  #     ap       : AP
  def change_actor_ap(actor_id, skill_id, ap)
    skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
    return if skill == nil
    $game_actors[actor_id].change_ap(skill, ap)
  # ? AP ?????????
  #     actor_index : ??????????
  def call_ap_viewer(actor_index = 0)
    return if $game_temp.in_battle
    $game_temp.next_scene = :ap_viewer
    $game_temp.next_scene_actor_index = actor_index

class Game_Interpreter
  include KGC::Commands

# ¦ Vocab

module Vocab
  # ?????????
  ObtainAP              = KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_RESULT_OBTAIN_AP
  ResultFullAPSkill     = KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_RESULT_MASTER_SKILL
  ResultFullAPSkillName = KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_RESULT_MASTER_SKILL_NAME

  # AP
  def self.ap
    return KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_AP

  # ?????????
  def self.full_ap_skill
    return KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_MASTER_SKILL

  # AP ????
  def self.ap_viewer
    return KGC::EquipLearnSkill::VOCAB_MENU_AP_VIEWER

# ¦ RPG::BaseItem

class RPG::BaseItem
  # ? ???????????????
  def create_equip_learn_skill_cache
    @__learn_skills = []

    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
      when KGC::EquipLearnSkill::Regexp::BaseItem::LEARN_SKILL  # ?????
        $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num|
          skill_id = num.to_i
          # ????????????????
          @__learn_skills << skill_id if $data_skills[skill_id] != nil
  # ? ??????? ID ???
  def learn_skills
    create_equip_learn_skill_cache if @__learn_skills == nil
    return @__learn_skills

# ¦ RPG::Skill

class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem
  # ? ?????
  @@__masked_name =
    KGC::EquipLearnSkill::ZERO_AP_NAME_MASK  # ????
  @@__expand_masked_name = false             # ???????????

  if @@__expand_masked_name != nil
    @@__expand_masked_name = (@@__masked_name.scan(/./).size == 1)
  # ? ???????????????
  def create_equip_learn_skill_cache
    @__need_ap = 0

    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
      when KGC::EquipLearnSkill::Regexp::Skill::NEED_AP  # ?? AP
        @__need_ap = $1.to_i
  # ? ????
  def masked_name
    if KGC::EquipLearnSkill::MASK_ZERO_AP_SKILL_NAME
      if @@__expand_masked_name
        # ???????????
        return @@__masked_name *
        return @@__masked_name
  # ? ?????? AP
  def need_ap
    create_equip_learn_skill_cache if @__need_ap == nil
    return @__need_ap

# ¦ RPG::Enemy

class RPG::Enemy
  # ? ???????????????
  def create_equip_learn_skill_cache
    @__ap = KGC::EquipLearnSkill::DEFAULT_AP

    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
      when KGC::EquipLearnSkill::Regexp::Enemy::AP  # ?? AP
        @__ap = $1.to_i
  # ? ?? AP
  def ap
    create_equip_learn_skill_cache if @__ap == nil
    return @__ap

# ¦ Game_Temp

unless $imported["CustomMenuCommand"]
class Game_Temp
  # ? ??????????
  attr_accessor :next_scene_actor_index   # ????????????????
  # ? ?????????
  alias initialize_KGC_EquipLearnSkill initialize
  def initialize

    @next_scene_actor_index = 0

# ¦ Game_Actor

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # ? ??????
  #     actor_id : ???? ID
  alias setup_KGC_EquipLearnSkill setup
  def setup(actor_id)

    @skill_ap = []
  # ? ?????? AP ??
  #     skill_id : ??? ID
  def skill_ap(skill_id)
    @skill_ap = [] if @skill_ap == nil
    return (@skill_ap[skill_id] != nil ? @skill_ap[skill_id] : 0)
  # ? AP ??
  #     skill : ???
  #     ap    : ??? AP
  def change_ap(skill, ap)
    @skill_ap = [] if @skill_ap == nil
    @skill_ap[] = [[ap, skill.need_ap].min, 0].max
  # ? ????????????
  #     new_skills : ???????????????
  def display_full_ap_skills(new_skills)
    text = sprintf(Vocab::ResultFullAPSkill, name)
    new_skills.each { |skill|
      text = sprintf(Vocab::ResultFullAPSkillName,
  # ? AP ??
  #     ap   : AP ????
  #     show : ????????????
  def gain_ap(ap, show)
    last_full_ap_skills = full_ap_skills

    # ???????????????? AP ???
    equipment_skills(true).each { |skill|
      change_ap(skill, skill_ap( + ap)

    # ????????????
    if show && last_full_ap_skills != full_ap_skills
      display_full_ap_skills(full_ap_skills - last_full_ap_skills)
  # ? ??????????????
  alias skills_KGC_EquipLearnSkill skills
  def skills
    result = skills_KGC_EquipLearnSkill

    # ???? AP ???????????
    additional_skills = equipment_skills | full_ap_skills
    return (result | additional_skills).sort! { |a, b| <=> }
  # ? ???????????
  #     all : ?????????????
  def equipment_skills(all = false)
    result = []
    equips.compact.each { |item|
      next if exclude_learnable_equipment?(item)       # ????????

      item.learn_skills.each { |i|
        skill = $data_skills[i]
        next if exclude_equipment_skill?(skill)        # ?????????
        if !all && KGC::EquipLearnSkill::NEED_FULL_AP  # ??????
          next unless ap_full?(skill)                   # ???????
        result << skill
    return result
  # ? ???????????
  #     item : ????
  def exclude_learnable_equipment?(item)
    case item
    when RPG::Weapon  # ??
      # ?????????????
      if KGC::EquipLearnSkill::EXCLUDE_WEAPONS[id] != nil &&
        return true
    when RPG::Armor   # ??
      # ?????????????
      if KGC::EquipLearnSkill::EXCLUDE_ARMORS[id] != nil &&
        return true
    else              # ?????
      return true

    return false
  # ? ???????????????
  #     skill : ???
  def exclude_equipment_skill?(skill)
    # ????????????
    if KGC::EquipLearnSkill::EXCLUDE_SKILLS[id] != nil &&
      return true

    return false
  # ? AP ???????????
  def full_ap_skills
    result = []
    (1...$data_skills.size).each { |i|
      skill = $data_skills[i]
      result << skill if ap_full?(skill) && !exclude_equipment_skill?(skill)
    return result
  # ? AP ???????????
  def can_gain_ap_skills
    result = []
    equips.compact.each { |item|
      next if exclude_learnable_equipment?(item)  # ????????

      item.learn_skills.each { |i|
        skill = $data_skills[i]
        next if exclude_equipment_skill?(skill)   # ?????????
        result << skill
    return (result - full_ap_skills)              # ???????????
  # ? AP ??????
  #     skill : ???
  def ap_full?(skill)
    return false if skill == nil                  # ?????????
    return false if skill.need_ap == 0            # ?? AP ? 0
    return false if @skills.include?(    # ????

    return (skill_ap( >= skill.need_ap)
  # ? ??????????
  #     skill : ???
  def skill_can_use?(skill)
    return super

# ¦ Game_Enemy

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  # ? AP ???
  def ap
    return enemy.ap

# ¦ Game_Troop

class Game_Troop < Game_Unit
  # ? AP ?????
  def ap_total
    ap = 0
    for enemy in dead_members
      ap += enemy.ap unless enemy.hidden
    return ap

# ¦ Window_Command

class Window_Command < Window_Selectable
  unless method_defined?(:add_command)
  # ? ???????
  #    ?????????
  def add_command(command)
    @commands << command
    @item_max = @commands.size
    item_index = @item_max - 1
    return item_index
  # ? ???????????
  def refresh_command
    buf = self.contents.clone
    self.height = [self.height, row_max * WLH + 32].max
    self.contents.blt(0, 0, buf, buf.rect)
  # ? ???????
  def insert_command(index, command)
    @commands.insert(index, command)
    @item_max = @commands.size
  # ? ???????
  def remove_command(command)
    @item_max = @commands.size

# ? Window_APViewer
#  AP ?????????????????????

class Window_APViewer < Window_Selectable
  # ? ?????????
  #     x      : ?????? X ??
  #     y      : ?????? Y ??
  #     width  : ???????
  #     height : ????????
  #     actor  : ????
  def initialize(x, y, width, height, actor)
    super(x, y, width, height)
    @actor = actor
    @can_gain_ap_skills = []
    self.index = 0
  # ? ??????
  def skill
    return @data[self.index]
  # ? ??????
  def refresh
    @data = []
    @can_gain_ap_skills = @actor.can_gain_ap_skills
    equipment_skills = @actor.equipment_skills(true)

    (1...$data_skills.size).each { |i|
      skill = $data_skills[i]
      next if skill.need_ap == 0
      unless KGC::EquipLearnSkill::SHOW_ZERO_AP_SKILL
        # AP ? 0 ???????????????????
        if @actor.skill_ap( == 0 && !equipment_skills.include?(skill)
    @item_max = @data.size
    @item_max.times { |i| draw_item(i) }
  # ? ?????
  #     index : ????
  def draw_item(index)
    rect = item_rect(index)
    skill = @data[index]
    if skill != nil
      rect.width -= 4
      draw_item_name(skill, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(skill))
      if @actor.ap_full?(skill) || @actor.skill_learn?(skill)
        # ????
        text = Vocab.full_ap_skill
        # AP ???
        text = sprintf("%s %4d/%4d",
          Vocab.ap, @actor.skill_ap(, skill.need_ap)
      # AP ???
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(rect, text, 2)
  # ? ?????????????????
  #     skill : ???
  def enable?(skill)
    return true if @actor.skill_learn?(skill)           # ????
    return true if @actor.ap_full?(skill)               # ????
    return true if @can_gain_ap_skills.include?(skill)  # AP ????

    return false
  # ? ??????????????????
  #     skill : ???
  def no_mask?(skill)
    return true if @actor.skill_learn?(skill)           # ????
    return true if @actor.skill_ap( > 0        # AP ? 1 ??
    return true if @can_gain_ap_skills.include?(skill)  # AP ????

    return false
  # ? ????????
  #     item    : ???? (????????????)
  #     x       : ??? X ??
  #     y       : ??? Y ??
  #     enabled : ??????false ?????????
  def draw_item_name(item, x, y, enabled = true)
    draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH,
      no_mask?(item) ? : item.masked_name)
  # ? ??????
  def update
    return unless

    if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
    elsif Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
  # ? ?????????
  def update_help
    if KGC::EquipLearnSkill::HIDE_ZERO_AP_SKILL_HELP && !no_mask?(skill)
      @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description)

# ¦ Scene_Map

class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
  # ? ?????????
  alias update_scene_change_KGC_EquipLearnSkill update_scene_change
  def update_scene_change
    return if $game_player.moving?    # ??????????

    if $game_temp.next_scene == :ap_viewer

  # ? AP ??????????
  def call_ap_viewer
    $game_temp.next_scene = nil
    $scene =$game_temp.next_scene_actor_index,
      0, Scene_APViewer::HOST_MAP)

# ¦ Scene_Menu

class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base
  # ? ????????????
  alias create_command_window_KGC_EquipLearnSkill create_command_window
  def create_command_window

    return if $imported["CustomMenuCommand"]

    @__command_ap_viewer_index = @command_window.add_command(Vocab.ap_viewer)
    if @command_window.oy > 0
      @command_window.oy -= Window_Base::WLH
    @command_window.index = @menu_index
  # ? ?????????
  alias update_command_selection_KGC_EquipLearnSkill update_command_selection
  def update_command_selection
    call_ap_viewer_flag = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when @__command_ap_viewer_index  # AP ????
        call_ap_viewer_flag = true

    # AP ???????
    if call_ap_viewer_flag
      if $game_party.members.size == 0

  # ? ?????????
  alias update_actor_selection_KGC_EquipLearnSkill update_actor_selection
  def update_actor_selection
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_party.last_actor_index = @status_window.index
      case @command_window.index
      when @__command_ap_viewer_index  # AP ????
        $scene =,
          @__command_ap_viewer_index, Scene_APViewer::HOST_MENU)


# ? Scene_APViewer
#   AP ????????????????

class Scene_APViewer < Scene_Base
  HOST_MENU   = 0
  HOST_MAP    = 1
« Letzte Änderung: Mai 02, 2008, 18:30:06 von Talyana Meriweather Rahl »

hellMinors Simple Questlog


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hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #56 am: Mai 02, 2008, 18:31:22 »
wie wäre es mit einem Eventbefehl der die Aktiven Quests öffnet? Und am besten auch noch auf die neue Quest zeigt. :P

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

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hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #57 am: Mai 02, 2008, 18:55:26 »
boah typisch KGC nur kraut und rüben ,jetz weiss ic hwieder warum ich kgc net mag
also wenn beide laufen sollen kannste das kgc dingen unter meinen beiden machen, dann haste zumindest schonma beide im menü

@soulstorm : was meinst du damit?
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine

hellMinors Simple Questlog


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hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #58 am: Mai 04, 2008, 18:51:42 »
$scene =

Damit öffnet man doch den Questlog, ich möchte aber z.B. Aktive und Abgeschlossene Quests anzeigen lassen, am besten noch eine bestimmte Quest. (Eben die Quest die ich gerade bekomme oder abschließe.)

mit (true) passiert im übrigen das gleiche wie mit false oder ganz ohne^^

hellMinors Simple Questlog

Offline Onkel Hell

  • Sol Invictus
  • Administrator
  • VX-Kenner
  • ****
  • Beiträge: 562
  • You can't shoot me, I'm AIDS !
hellMinors Simple Questlog
« Antwort #59 am: Mai 04, 2008, 19:05:19 »
achso , also sobald man per event irgendwie add, update oder complete macht soll ein fenster kommen mit entsprechender quest und der aktion oder sowas

das true und false dient nur zur bestimmung der scene aus der man kommt
Verborgen in der Dunkelheit
Ich kenne nur die Einsamkeit
Auf das kein Gott mich sieht, ich bin ein Eremit

Mega Man Battle Engine


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