Hi Community, ich hab mal das script hier geschrieben weils davon nur wenige einfache gibt.
Bin nur zu faul das jetzt nochma extra in deutsch zu schreiben
Script description:If you call the script "drainGroupMP" or "restoreGroupHP" inside a event the script activates.
You can use it for battle is you want to gain a ammount of Hp/Mp regenerated or degenerated, but you need
to add the condition for the script to activate. (like if you defend or attack with a special weapon/skill)
But this you need to add to the script yourself.
My script is more used for map de/regeneration and special about it for only some of your partymember if you want.
Example: (just like the script is unchanged now)
All partymembers will regenerate 3% hp and + 1 hp (minimum) everytime the script is active
but only partymember 2-4 will lose - 1 mp everytime the script is active
Of course you can change that if you need, the ammounts of hp/mp and the actors wich will be targeted.
The script will deactivate if the charakter is in incap/dead state. (If state id is 1, otherwise change script)
Set it up to the map with a step count:Thats probably the most wanted function for the script.
# I use the german patched game maker vx so dont worry about the commands, you can change all the variable names.
This time it is every 10 steps activated
Thats it already, change it just like you need it.
Installation:Just copy the script and add it under "Material" in the Scripteditor (F11)
# the script only activate after you call it on page 3 RGSS "Script"
#Mp degeneration
def drainGroupMP # rename if you want
1.upto($game_party.members.length - 1) do # from Party ID 1 (2. Member) downwards
@actor = $game_party.members[i]
if @actor != nil
if @actor.state?(1) # if charakter is Status id (1) (Incapacitate/Dead) the hp is disabled
@actor.mp -= 1 # -1 Mp
#Hp regeneration
def restoreGroupHP # rename if you want
0.upto($game_party.members.length - 1) do # from Party ID 0 (Hero) downwards
@actor = $game_party.members[i]
if @actor != nil
if @actor.state?(1) # if charakter is Status id (1) (Incapacitate/Dead) the hp is disabled
@actor.hp += (@actor.maxhp * 3 / 100) + 1 # +3% hp + 1 hp
# If the regenerated hp are under 0,44 he would return 0 but with +1 he will add min. 1 hp
Credits:If you want to thank me it is ok, but you dont need to.