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Autor Thema: (Projekte) "Das Buch"  (Gelesen 2023 mal)


  • Gast
(Projekte) "Das Buch"
« am: Februar 10, 2010, 22:33:47 »

Don't sprechen Deutsch, so dass, wenn es eine schlechte Übersetzung nicht der kurzen Überblick über dieses Spiel in englischer Sprache.


"I remember the last war" are the opening words of unknown narrator complains about the inefficiency and immaturity of a world that perished by social divisions, races, denominations, religions and politics.

The book tells the story of a world destroyed by hunger, thirst, differences, bitterness, hatred, and all kinds of evil and the love of money, but that suddenly emerges an organization whose plans seem to bring peace and order living but turns out to be another of the tricks of the elite to dominate the world according to his theory of the Order of Chaos.
The land was divided into seven sectors:

Urim: Known commonly as the land of the White Lion, during the last battle played an important role even in the end they decided to escape to postpone his kingdom because of personal ambitions of their king, this place is characterized by meadows and fields. The people of these lands are suspicious, they hate foreigners and reproduce among citizens of their own lands, specialize in manufacturing all kinds of weapons and armor.

Taamin: Also called the Land of the Serpent of the Desert, when happened the last war they decided to escape being convinced by the words of the great prophet who guided them through the oracle of the serpent god, and so settled in an oasis far removed from the cities inhabited by people bitter, hateful and deceitful, specialize in the goods, the transport camels and desert were excellent guides, it says that since children know the depths of the dunes of Ishtar.

Maim: the land hidden in the depths of the sea, the inhabitants thereof are women who hate men, so they would not participate in the last battle, worship a god asleep in the abyss, specialize in mining and precious stones and elaborate costumes all kinds of light and luxurious fabrics to create spears. Reportedly reproduced from cloning

Ayin: Ayin icy lands inhabited by the wise and learned men, philosophers and all kinds of educated people, they hate everything that is not from logic and not believe in anything supernatural, even feelings, they specialize in creation of medicine, alchemy and all sorts of witchcraft and sorcery to which these call true science, some of them influenced the war with strategies and ideas to solve the chaos but were not heard and who turned to high and cold mountains Thanatos.

Shamayin: A small village hidden in a thick forest inhabited by many strange creatures without shape or resemblance to man, are not very strong in the battle but are friendly and went into hiding because Babel said of them being an inferior race and not deserve to live in this world, so they settled in the dense forest which nobody knows its exact location, many who have wanted to find a maze encounter ends.

The Dispersed: are human beings who are found throughout the land have no nationality, or are under the command of a king, law or some other type of order, these live in small groups in different parts of the earth

Babel: Babel was an organization in its infancy that promised salvation to all people who believe in his name and obey its precepts, many decided to join their ranks because they could not find a firm place to lean on, the deaths during the last war and the problems basic needs, as well as psychological and moral living planet at that time led many to find their outlet in Babel, all gave their wills, wishes and desires to serve Babel. This began to rule great kingdoms between the kingdom of Malak those inhabited most powerful warriors of the time but with their trickery and deceit, betrayal and disloyalty based on achievement to beat a divided world, and earned the nickname "Whore, by the disloyalty and lack of commitment to those who are allied with those who joined its ranks because Babel was really a woman waiting on money from people, their role and when they gave up their destroyed properties and desires and returning as zombies as undead. Babel is the great empire he plans to take over every corner of the earth though many of the previously spoken and have been contaminated by the leaven of malice of Babel, but his true purpose is unknown in the course of the game you will discover what their original plans .

During the war a group of scholars decided to hide a very precious treasure which they called "The Book", this could save humanity from Babel error but had realized that this book was therefore sent for all costs with their more senior members of the army called Shaddim, and these scholars decided to separate the book into nine parts to hide the man and found only when the world was ready. Because of the failure of Babel, it decided to make a fake book to convince people that she was the absolute truth the true way by which to walk, and guided humanity to an exit pit.

Apparently after years of war Last heard rumors that a piece of this book is found, is where you play an important role in history with the help of a group of people that are out of the conventional and traditional and realize that if they find the book can end the evil Empire of Babel.

"In a World of Perpetual Happiness" is the motto of Babel ....
But at what cost will be given what they call happiness?

I speak better Spanish

Spoiler for Hiden:
“Recuerdo aquella ultima guerra” son las palabras iniciales del narrador desconocido que se queja de la ineficiencia e inmadurez de un mundo que pereció por divisiones sociales, razas, denominaciones, religiones y políticas.
El Libro cuenta la historia de un mundo acabado por el hambre, sed,  diferencias, rencores, odios, y todo tipo de maldad así como el amor al dinero, pero que de repente surge una organización cuyos planes parecen traer la paz y el orden a los seres vivos pero resulta ser otra de las artimañas de las elites para dominar al mundo según su teoría del Orden del Caos.
La tierra quedo dividida en siete sectores:
Urim: Conocida comúnmente como la tierra del León Blanco, durante la última batalla jugaron un papel importante aunque a la final decidieron escapar para postergar su reino debido a ambiciones personales de su rey; este lugar es caracterizado por sus praderas y campos. Las gentes de estas tierras son desconfiadas, odian a los extranjeros y se reproducen entre ciudadanos de sus propias tierras, se especializan en la fabricación de todo tipo de armas y armaduras.
Taamin: También llamada la tierra de la Serpiente del Desierto , cuando aconteció la ultima guerra estos decidieron escapar siendo convencidos por las palabras del gran profeta que los guiaba a través del oráculo del dios serpiente, y así se asentaron en un oasis alejado de las grandes ciudades donde habitan personas amargadas, odiosas y engañadoras, se especializan en la mercadería, en el transporte a camellos y son excelentes guías del desierto, se dice que desde niños conocen las profundidades de las Dunas de Isthar.
Maim: La tierra oculta en las profundidades del mar, los habitantes de ella son mujeres que odian a los hombres, por lo tanto no quisieron participar en la última batalla, adoran a un dios dormido en el abismo,  se especializan en la extracción de minerales y piedras preciosas y confeccionan todo tipo de ropajes ligeros y telas lujosas en crear lanzas. Según se dice se reproducen a partir de la clonación
Ayin: Las tierras heladas de Ayin donde habitan los hombres sabios y entendidos, filósofos y toda clase de gente culta, odian todo lo que no proceda de la lógica y no creen en nada sobrenatural, ni siquiera en los sentimientos , estos se especializan en la creación de medicinas, alquimia y todo tipo de brujería y hechicería a lo cual estos llaman la Ciencia Verdadera, unos de ellos influenciaron en la guerra con estrategias e ideas para solucionar el caos pero no fueron escuchados así que se apartaron a las altas y heladas montañas de Thanatos.
Shamayin: Es un pequeño pueblo oculto en un espeso bosque habitado por criaturas extrañas muchas de ellas sin forma ni parecido al hombre, no son muy fuertes en la batalla pero son amigables y se ocultaron porque Babel decía de ellos ser una raza inferior y que no merecía vivir en este mundo, por lo tanto se asentaron en la espesura de un bosque del cual nadie sabe su ubicación exacta, muchos que los han querido encontrar se topan con un laberinto sin salida.
Los Dispersos: son seres humanos que se encuentran por toda la tierra no tienen nacionalidad, ni están bajo el mando de un rey, ley o algún otro tipo de orden, estos viven en pequeños grupos en diferentes partes de la tierra
Babel: Babel fue una organización en sus inicios que prometía la salvación a todas las gentes que creyeran en su nombre y obedecieran sus preceptos muchos decidieron unirse a sus filas porque no encontraban un lugar firme donde apoyarse, las muertes durante la ultima guerra y los problemas de necesidades básicas, tanto como psicológicas y morales que vivía el planeta en aquel tiempo hizo que muchos encontraran su salida en Babel, todos entregaban sus voluntades, deseos y anhelos por servir a Babel. Esta empezó gobernando grandes reinos entre esos el reino de Malak donde habitaban los guerreros mas poderosos de aquel tiempo pero con sus artimañas y engaños , traiciones y basada en la deslealtad logro vencer a un mundo dividido, así se gano el apodo de Ramera, por la deslealtad y falta de compromiso con quienes se aliaba y con quienes se unían a sus filas porque en realidad Babel era como una mujer que esperaba el dinero de la gente, su función y cuando estos entregaban sus propiedades y deseos los destruía y los volvía como zombies, como muertos vivientes. Babel es el gran imperio que planea apoderarse de cada rincón de la tierra aunque muchos de los anteriormente hablados ya han sido contaminados por la levadura de la malicia de Babel, aunque su verdadero fin es desconocido en el transcurso del juego descubrirás  cuales son sus planes originales.
Durante la guerra un grupo de sabios decidió esconder un tesoro muy preciado al cual llamaron “El Libro”, este podía salvar a la humanidad del error pero Babel se había dado cuenta que dicho libro existía por lo tanto mando a buscarlo a todo costo con sus mas altos miembros del ejercito llamados Shaddim, así estos sabios decidieron separar el libro en nueve partes para ocultarlo del ser humano y que solo se encontrara cuando el mundo estuviera preparado. Por causa del fracaso de Babel, esta decidió hacer un falso libro para convencer a la gente que ella tenia la verdad absoluta el verdadero camino por el cual andar, y guio a la humanidad a un abismo sin salida.
Al parecer después de varios años de la Ultima guerra se escuchan rumores de que una pieza de este libro es encontrada, es allí donde juegas un papel importante en la historia con la ayuda de un grupo de personas que se salen de lo convencional y lo tradicional y se dan cuenta que si encuentran el Libro podrán acabar el malvado Imperio de Babel.
“Por un Mundo de Felicidad Perpetua” es el lema de Babel….
¿Pero a que costo les será dado aquello a lo que llaman felicidad?

"Here's some videos of" The Book "
"Hier ein paar Videos von" The Book "
“He aquí unos videos de “El Libro”

Rpgmaker Vx EL LIBRO



Rpgmaker vx- El Libro Batalla Aerea




He is a young ninja who was very strict about the rules laid down by their secret arts temple but with the passing of the years began to feel emotions that led him to a girl he liked because of this begins to speak to the emotions are essential for the development of human beings and that everyone must deal with them rather than suppress them so it is treated as a heretic and condemned to death, but before carrying out the sentence escapes from this place in search of his love, the fact is that when it comes to the village where she lived is found shattered to see the ruthless killing that occurred there leads to hate the Empire of Babel for this later joins the company Abaddon.
Class: Ninja
Age: 20 years
Weapons: Daggers and katanas



A martial artist and former monk of the great temple Kodesh, was an eloquent teacher of fighters, instructing them in the proper way of justice and equity but in the end he realizes that his disciples did everything contrary to his teachings and behalf of them raped women, domestic violence, stole into homes, stole the innocent among other things. Seeing so sick mentality Ieshuah decided to leave in search of truth. When he tries to leave his hometown's taunted by his own disciples and villagers of the city treating a traitor to his people. Ieshuah is a man with lofty ideals who always seeks the right path, but with human error as everyone else.
Class: Fighter
Age: 19 years
Weapons: Fists and Claw
There are many more characters, you will know soon.



A mysterious man who does not know who was formerly unknown to family, friends, social relationships, work and their roles in the past. All his memory about his life was erased, apparently doubt their true purpose and does not know whether to be on the side of good or the bad side is a little cold, does not measure the consequence of his actions because he is impulsive . In the course of history while his memory is jogged their memories are confusing to him to a destiny from which only you will discover
Weapons: Uses two swords throughout the game that are called "Pneuma"


Spoiler for Hiden:
Modern Algebra
Mr Bubble

Spoiler for Hiden:

SBS+ATB+Individual Command+Spin Battle

this video is of bad quality. excuse me
Download this video with best quality:

Rpgmaker Vx EL LIBRO(2).avi

New Menu

« Letzte Änderung: April 16, 2011, 15:49:06 von Maryon »

Re: "Das Buch"

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #1 am: Februar 11, 2010, 16:08:23 »
In one word: Awesome! I think you´re brave to post your overview about this project
in a german board. The german traduction (I think Google have done this) is not very well.
The english one is much better. :D In my opinion you have to delete the german traduction.
It´s just unbelievable hard to read.

Now, to the Story. Often i had the feeling: Oh, you read that so many times before, but
then it change. After the beginning my interest to this project began to grow and now i
love the story. :D The videos in your post are just great. How long did you work on your
battle system?

I hope to see more of your project and please don´t be so hard to me. My English is
not the best one. ^^
Ich unterstütze:

Re: "Das Buch"

Offline Klex

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #2 am: Februar 11, 2010, 16:45:23 »
Yeah the projekt looks very well, particulary the spirits and the KS with the nice faces. Is the KS your own Skript? I have seen it before on but the author say that no one should use it. So if this Skript is free i´ll need it!!! :D

The menu looks like an RPG XP menu I think, but very nice I like this kind of menu.

The minigame looks also very funny, I think I should keep an eye on this project ;)

Re: "Das Buch"

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #3 am: Februar 11, 2010, 19:35:10 »
Very nice BS Skript
(Sorry my English is boring)

Re: "Das Buch"


  • Gast
Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #4 am: Februar 11, 2010, 20:45:01 »
In one word: Awesome! I think you´re brave to post your overview about this project
in a german board. The german traduction (I think Google have done this) is not very well.
The english one is much better. :D In my opinion you have to delete the german traduction.
It´s just unbelievable hard to read.

Now, to the Story. Often i had the feeling: Oh, you read that so many times before, but
then it change. After the beginning my interest to this project began to grow and now i
love the story. :D The videos in your post are just great. How long did you work on your
battle system?

I hope to see more of your project and please don´t be so hard to me. My English is
not the best one. ^^

The Battle System is a modified the SBS TAKENTAI, WindowBattleStatus, Battle Spin of Zifee...
I edit all the scripts for months; in this video are not all the scripts, such as distortion of the enemies that produces an effect of movement in these

Post zusammen gefügt: Februar 11, 2010, 20:49:17
Yeah the projekt looks very well, particulary the spirits and the KS with the nice faces. Is the KS your own Skript? I have seen it before on but the author say that no one should use it. So if this Skript is free i´ll need it!!! :D

The menu looks like an RPG XP menu I think, but very nice I like this kind of menu.

The minigame looks also very funny, I think I should keep an eye on this project ;)

That is correct, but that script does not belong to Hanzo Kimura, this script is public but I edit so it would look like that. As did Hanzo Kimura
« Letzte Änderung: Februar 11, 2010, 20:49:18 von Shaddim »

Re: "Das Buch"

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #5 am: Februar 12, 2010, 16:21:24 »
looks very nice,
awesome awesome
^^ .
Spoiler for Hiden:


Spoiler for Hiden:
[desc=Es fehlen nur
nochmal eine kleine
Bugsäuberung und
der Feinschliff ! ^^
]The new Horizon of Evil 2[/desc]
[desc=Downloadbereit ! (Mein Profil oder VX Spiele !)]Gun For Fun[/desc]

Re: "Das Buch"

Offline Colonios

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #6 am: Februar 12, 2010, 19:34:59 »
I love it!
Looks just freakin awsome! Especially the menu - it has kinda flow in it so it looks smooty ^^

Ah, but I don't think that Dan's face looks like 20... more like 30!

But keep it up and keep telling us about it!


Re: "Das Buch"

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #7 am: Februar 13, 2010, 12:48:36 »
Hi Shaddim.
The the infrmations you give us are really interesting and I hope we will be able to play your game soon. ;)
Some things I mantioned are:
1. The Facesets have different styles which don't look really well. :(
(I like the Faceset from Volker (Fire Emblem :D))

2. You have to edit some Scene in your project like: Status, Save, Item and Skills cause the return_scene method doesn't fit to the menu and you return to another id of the menu. ;)

All in all you have to keep making this game playable for us. :D


Re: "Das Buch"

Offline Derexor

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #8 am: Februar 13, 2010, 13:22:51 »
All in all it lookes very great, i love your graphics.
Wich kind of Charakters you are useing?
« Letzte Änderung: Februar 13, 2010, 13:23:11 von Derexor »

Re: "Das Buch"


  • Gast
Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #9 am: Februar 13, 2010, 14:52:06 »
Hi Shaddim.
The the infrmations you give us are really interesting and I hope we will be able to play your game soon. ;)
Some things I mantioned are:
1. The Facesets have different styles which don't look really well. :(
(I like the Faceset from Volker (Fire Emblem :D))

2. You have to edit some Scene in your project like: Status, Save, Item and Skills cause the return_scene method doesn't fit to the menu and you return to another id of the menu. ;)

All in all you have to keep making this game playable for us. :D


Ok, I edit the Face of Dan, and the ID , you Don't Worry.
still many details to fix

Re: "Das Buch"

Offline Colonios

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Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #10 am: Februar 13, 2010, 14:57:51 »
Oh, and I did forget to ask: are you going to release an English translation of the game?

Re: "Das Buch"


  • Gast
Re: "Das Buch"
« Antwort #11 am: Februar 13, 2010, 15:28:31 »
Oh, and I did forget to ask: are you going to release an English translation of the game?

Yes :D
and portugues version also :D!


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