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Autor Thema: +Extra Move Speed+  (Gelesen 1401 mal)


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+Extra Move Speed+
« am: Februar 12, 2008, 01:55:56 »
Extra Move Speed
Version 1.0
by Woratana
Release Date: 11/02/2008

You will allow to change character's speed by decimal point. e.g. +0.5, -1.2

And you can increase speed more than 6, which is the limit of speed that you can change by event command.

Version 1.0
- Increase/Decrease Speed and/or character's Frequency from the original Speed/Frequency.
e.g. speed + 1 or frequency - 2.5
- Set Speed and Frequency to be more than limit.
- Easy setup speed/frequency for event.
- You can set one event's speed to be different in different event pages.

You can download demo for more understanding in this script's features.
Download Demo Version 1.0[/color]

Place it above main.

# [VX] Extra Move Speed by Woratana
# Version: 1.0
# Released on: 11/02/2008
# by Woratana []

# You can edit event's speed and/or frequency to be more than limit,
# by put event command "Comment" in the event page you want to edit.
# (Yes, you can set the different speed for different page in one event)

# Add comment like this:
# [speed(speed you want)][freq(frequncy you want)]
# e.g. [speed8][freq4]
# You can edit only speed by put [speed(speed you want)]
# and edit only frequency by put [freq(frequency you want)]

# You can increase character's Speed and/or Frequency by call script:
# (character).add_speed(speed_plus,frequency_plus)

# To decrease Speed and/or Frequency, you can just put negative number in it:
# e.g. $game_player.add_speed(-1.5)

# To change character's Speed to any number you want:
# (character).fix_speed(speed you want)

# To change character's Frequency to any number you want:
# (character).fix_frequency(frequency you want)

# Frequency shouldn't be more than 5 or 6, but there is no limit for Speed.
# You can use decimal place for speed/frequency,
# To change player's frequency, it will make no diffrent.
# It will make different in speed even though the speed is just 0.5 more.

class Game_Character
  attr_accessor :move_speed, :move_frequency
  def add_speed(spd = 0,freq = 0)
    @move_speed += spd
    @move_frequency += freq
  def fix_speed(spd = 0)
    @move_speed = spd
  def fix_freq(freq = 0)
    @move_frequency = freq

class Game_Event < Game_Character
  attr_accessor :event
  alias wor_event_setup setup
def setup(new_page)
  for i in 0...@list.size
    next if @list[i].code != 108
    if @list[i].parameters[0].include?("[speed")
      list = @list[i].parameters[0].scan(/\[speed([0.0-9.9]+)\]/)
      @move_speed = $1.to_i
    if @list[i].parameters[0].include?("[freq")
      list = @list[i].parameters[0].scan(/\[freq([0.0-9.9]+)\]/)
      @move_frequency = $1.to_i


# You can edit event's speed and/or frequency to be more than limit,
# by put event command "Comment" in the event page you want to edit.
# (Yes, you can set the different speed for different page in one event)

# Add comment like this:
# [speed(speed you want)][freq(frequncy you want)]
# e.g. [speed8][freq4]
# You can edit only speed by put [speed(speed you want)]
# and edit only frequency by put [freq(frequency you want)]

# You can increase character's Speed and/or Frequency by call script:
# (character).add_speed(speed_plus,frequency_plus)

# To decrease Speed and/or Frequency, you can just put negative number in it:
# e.g. $game_player.add_speed(-1.5)

# To change character's Speed to any number you want:
# (character).fix_speed(speed you want)

# To change character's Frequency to any number you want:
# (character).fix_frequency(frequency you want)

# Frequency shouldn't be more than 5 or 6, but there is no limit for Speed.
# You can use decimal place for speed/frequency,
# To change player's frequency, it will make no diffrent.
# It will make different in speed even though the speed is just 0.5 more.

Author's Notes
Free for use in your non-commercial work if credit included. If your project is commercial, please contact me.

Please do not redistribute this script without permission. If you want to post it on any forum, please link to this topic.

+Extra Move Speed+


  • Gast
+Extra Move Speed+
« Antwort #1 am: Februar 12, 2008, 07:37:23 »
Nice, i like it. ^^
Small, but ohoo! xD
I think this script will help to make some alternation in towns or villiges. ^^
Thank you for active posting.

Ich find das nice für die Städte, da kann man etwas Abwechslung reinbringen, sodass die nicht mehr so gleichmäßig durch die Gegend laufen. ^^ Finds cool.

MFG Yatzumo

+Extra Move Speed+


  • Gast
+Extra Move Speed+
« Antwort #2 am: Februar 12, 2008, 12:02:38 »
I agree with Yatzumo, "small" script but big effect. Thanks again for one of your great script, wora!


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