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Autor Thema: +[Custom Title Screen Menu]+  (Gelesen 3345 mal)


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« am: April 06, 2008, 05:26:17 »
Custom Title Screen Menu
Version 1.0
by Woratana
Release Date: 04/04/2008

This script will help you add, arrange, and edit menu in title screen easier.

You can easily move, change its size, change skin, and  change opacity.

Version 1.0
- Easy to Edit window's appearance (size, position, skin, opacity)
- Easy to Add/Arrange commands
- Included built-in method to help you make new command easier

Place it above main

Spoiler for Hiden:
# ? [VX] ? Custom Title Screen Menu ? ?
# ? by Woratana []
# ? Version: 1.0
# ? Released on: 04/04/2008

# [+ FEATURES +]
# - Easy to Edit window's appearance (size, position, skin, opacity)
# - Easy to Add/Arrange commands
# - Included built-in method to help you make new command easier

class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
  # ** Command Window Appearance Setup
  # * Type the integer number to use that value,
  # e.g. COMMAND_WINDOW_X = 200
  # * or type script in '...' to use number calculate by script.
  # e.g. COMMAND_WINDOW_X = '(544 - @command_window.width) / 2'
  # Note: You can use script in COMMAND_WINDOW_X and COMMAND_WINDOW_Y
  COMMAND_WINDOW_X = '(544 - @command_window.width) / 2'
  COMMAND_WINDOW_HEIGHT = nil # Type integer, or 'nil' for autosize.
  COMMAND_WINDOW_COLUMN_MAX = 1 # Type integer, minimum is 1
  COMMAND_WINDOW_ROW_MAX = 0 # Type integer, or 0 for auto row count.
  COMMAND_WINDOW_SKIN = 'Window' # Windowskin file must be in folder 'System'
  COMMAND_WINDOW_BACK_OPACITY = 200 # Window Background Opacity (0 - 255)
  COMMAND_WINDOW_OPACITY = 255 # Window Opacity (0 - 255)
  # ** Commands List Setup
  # ** Template **
  # COMMAND[Command Index] = ['Text', 'Script']
  # e.g. COMMAND[1] = ['Test Command', 'scene("")]
  # ** Description **
  # Command Index
  # << Command Index start from 0. The lower index will show above higher index
  # 'Text'
  # << Text you want to show for that command, type text in '...'
  # 'Script'
  # << Script to run when player choose that command, type script in '...'
  # ** Built-in Method
  # * List of built-in method, you can put this in 'Script' in Template
  # 'command_new_game' : New Game
  # 'command_continue' : Continue Game
  # 'command_shutdown' : Shut down Game
  # 'scene("")' : Change Scene to ''
  # e.g. 'scene("")'
  # e.g.2 'scene("")'
  # 'new(Map ID, X, Y, Members)' : New Game in specific location and members
  # e.g. 'new(1, 10, 8, [1,2,3])'
  # << New Game in Map ID 1 at coordinate (10,8) with Actor ID 1,2,3 in party
  # Note: You may use this method for Game Tutorial
  COMMAND[0] = ['New Game', 'command_new_game']
  COMMAND[1] = ['Load Game', 'command_continue']
  COMMAND[2] = ['End Game', 'command_shutdown']
  LOAD_GAME_COMMAND_INDEX = 1 # COMMAND index that use to Load Game.
  # (This command will unable to use if there's no save file available)
  # * Create Command Window
  def create_command_window
    command_list = []
    COMMAND.each {|i| command_list.push (i[0]) }
    @command_window.x = COMMAND_WINDOW_X.is_a?(String) ? eval(COMMAND_WINDOW_X) : COMMAND_WINDOW_X
    @command_window.y = COMMAND_WINDOW_Y.is_a?(String) ? eval(COMMAND_WINDOW_Y) : COMMAND_WINDOW_Y
    @command_window.height = COMMAND_WINDOW_HEIGHT if !COMMAND_WINDOW_HEIGHT.nil?
    @command_window.windowskin = Cache.system(COMMAND_WINDOW_SKIN)
    @command_window.back_opacity = COMMAND_WINDOW_BACK_OPACITY
    @command_window.opacity = COMMAND_WINDOW_OPACITY
    if @continue_enabled   # If continue is enabled
      @command_window.index = LOAD_COMMAND_INDEX  # Move cursor over command
    else  # If disabled
      @command_window.draw_item(LOAD_GAME_COMMAND_INDEX, false) # Make command semi-transparent
    @command_window.openness = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
  # * Call Scene
  def scene(scene_name)
    $scene = eval(scene_name)
  # * New Game in Other Location
  def new(map_id, x, y, member_ary)
    $game_player.moveto(x, y)
    $scene =
    Graphics.frame_count = 0

class Game_Party < Game_Unit
  # * Custom Party Setup
  def custom_starting_members(member_ary)
    @actors = []
    member_ary.each {|i| @actors.push(i) }

- Setup script between this line...
and this line...

Here are the setup guides from script:
  # ** Command Window Appearance Setup
  # * Type the integer number to use that value,
  # e.g. COMMAND_WINDOW_X = 200
  # * or type script in '...' to use number calculate by script.
  # e.g. COMMAND_WINDOW_X = '(544 - @command_window.width) / 2'
  # Note: You can use script in COMMAND_WINDOW_X and COMMAND_WINDOW_Y

  # ** Commands List Setup
  # ** Template **
  # COMMAND[Command Index] = ['Text', 'Script']
  # e.g. COMMAND[1] = ['Test Command', 'scene("")]
  # ** Description **
  # Command Index
  # << Command Index start from 0. The lower index will show above higher index
  # 'Text'
  # << Text you want to show for that command, type text in '...'
  # 'Script'
  # << Script to run when player choose that command, type script in '...'
  # ** Built-in Method
  # * List of built-in method, you can put this in 'Script' in Template
  # 'command_new_game' : New Game
  # 'command_continue' : Continue Game
  # 'command_shutdown' : Shut down Game
  # 'scene("")' : Change Scene to ''
  # e.g. 'scene("")'
  # e.g.2 'scene("")'
  # 'new(Map ID, X, Y, Members)' : New Game in specific location and members
  # e.g. 'new(1, 10, 8, [1,2,3])'
  # << New Game in Map ID 1 at coordinate (10,8) with Actor ID 1,2,3 in party
  # Note: You may use this method for Game Tutorial

This script rewrite methods update and create_command_window

so it may not work with scripts that need to edit those methods.

Author's Notes
Free for use in your non-commercial work if credit included. If your project is commercial, please contact me.

Please do not redistribute this script without permission. If you want to post it on any forum, please link to this topic.

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #1 am: April 06, 2008, 17:42:04 »
Nice script for those who want to change their title in this way! Sounds really easy, I didn't try it yet..but seems really nice as I said..thanks wora for a great script again!

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+

Offline eugene222

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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #2 am: April 06, 2008, 19:35:58 »
hallo, eigentlich verstehe ich englisch ganz gut, nur hier kann ich nicht so ganz verstehen was das Skript macht. Es wäre nett, wenn irgentwer mal in kurzen Worten erklären kann, was das bringt.

mfg. eugene

naja, geht irgentwie net bei mir Fehler Zeile 102 irgentetwas mit der GAME_LOAD variable oder so.
« Letzte Änderung: April 06, 2008, 19:42:39 von eugene222 »

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #3 am: April 06, 2008, 19:41:41 »
Damit kann man vom Titelmenü die Transparenz, Windowskin, X und Y usw. ändern. Auch wohin man kommt, wenn man die einzelnen Punkte anklickt, die man auch verschieben oder entfernen kann u.v.m.

Das Skript ansich find ich eigentlich sehr unnötig, da mit sehr wenig Wissen und ein Blick in die RGSS-Referenz (Stichwort: Window) reichen sollte, das hinzubekommen :)Trotzdem schön, dass wir hier mit Skripten von dir überhäuft werden, woratana ^^
« Letzte Änderung: April 06, 2008, 19:42:38 von ERZENGEL »

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+

Talyana Meriweather Rahl

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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #4 am: April 06, 2008, 19:41:47 »

ERZENGEL war schneller xD
« Letzte Änderung: April 06, 2008, 19:47:39 von Talyana Meriweather Rahl »

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #5 am: April 06, 2008, 22:40:02 »
I pretty much scripted this to make it easier to add/remove command on title screen.

Feature to change window's appearance is just bonus feature. :)

p.s. I feels like I need to learn German now >_>

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #6 am: April 07, 2008, 09:09:08 »
Für diejenigen, die sich sonst nicht mit RGSS auskennen ist's dennoch etwas einfacher :)

Yeah, a german speaking wora..that sound's great, doesn't it? :P

+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+


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+[Custom Title Screen Menu]+
« Antwort #7 am: April 07, 2008, 13:32:05 »
Hm.. stimmt Dainreth, aber ich fände ein Tutorial wäre besser für sowas. Und wie gesagt ich freu mich eigentlich immer über woratanas Skripte, aber das.. außerdem und Gott sei Dank hat ja auch jeder seine eigene Meinung :)

in english for non-german-speaking wora :P: I think a tutorial how to alternate the titlescreen menu will be better instead of the script. But it's my opinion and everybody got it's own so everybody should decide how useful this is. And I said too that I'm very happy about every released script coded by you :)
« Letzte Änderung: April 07, 2008, 13:33:28 von ERZENGEL »

fehler im title script von woratana

Offline Johny-Kk

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fehler im title script von woratana
« Antwort #8 am: Februar 11, 2011, 20:19:46 »
was zur hölle?
hab die anweisungen im skript eigentlich richtig befolgt, und nun sowas???
weiß einer wie ich das hinbekomme, das es richtig funzt?

~Bitte Fragen zu Skripten immer im Original Thread posten. Danke.

MfG, Colo

da stand das die letzte antwort länger als 31 tage her wäre und es besser wäre, wenn ich einen neuen thread mache...
aber, ok meinetwegen kann auch hier geantwortet werden^^

~Wir haben eine Edit funktion. Bitte keine Doppelposts. Ließ bitte die Regeln!

MfG, Colo
« Letzte Änderung: Februar 12, 2011, 10:48:03 von Colonios »


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